Dr. Linda Foltz, a psychologist in Fayetteville,
Georgia with over 29 years of experience, can help you resolve your issues.
Hello. My name is Dr. Linda Foltz, and I’d like to help you work through your problems and come to a place of health, happiness and resolution. I have been a practicing psychotherapist with adults (including military), teenagers, children, couples and families since 1984. I’d like to help you explore the things that are keeping you from realizing your full potential. I have had a great deal of success in helping individuals, couples and families grow to a place of wholeness and happiness.
I view therapy as a team project – with me and my client or clients working together to help them heal. I utilize a variety of treatments, including cognitive behavior therapy (which targets your thoughts, which, in turn, helps change your emotions), client-centered therapy, and behavioral therapy.
I am a Christian, and will readily incorporate faith-based content in therapy, if it is so desired by my client.
I participate in the therapy process a great deal, regularly giving “homework” assignments that relate to the issues we are working on at the time, and giving coaching and feedback as to how my clients are progressing.
One of my primary specialties is the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Lately, I’ve been working with military men and women who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. I work with survivors of various forms of trauma, including rape, childhood abuse (children, adolescents and adults), automobile accidents, explosions, home invasions, and muggings.
In addition to PTSD, I work extensively with grief, bereavement, depression and anxiety in individuals, and marital issues, including past infidelities, in couples.
What is Your Success Rate?
I have been successful working with individual clients, both men and women, couples, families, adolescents and children with a wide variety of problems.
Some of my individual clients have been suffering from long-standing depression due to issues when they were children. We have been able to work through all their past pain and help them correct their erroneous beliefs so that they no longer suffer from depression.
Several of my military clients have been experiencing severe PTSD symptoms after their return home from Iraq or Afghanistan. I have helped them come to a place where they have full access to their emotions, are sleeping well without nightmares and flashbacks, are calmer and less irritable, and feel whole again.
I’ve seen couples with their marriages in shambles – some have even filed for divorce and are coming to therapy as their last hope. For many, we’ve been able to work through their core problems and establish a relationship that is even better than it was when they were first married.
Dr. Linda Foltz, 101 Devant Street, Suite 901, Fayetteville, GA 30214; 770-461-2520